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Our music would be quite different without the shared talents of music writers and arrangers. To follow is a list of arrangers that have contributed to the recordings assembled through the years.

-Website Information or Email Addresses Provided-

The initial list below represents frequent connections and/or collaborations:

Clay Hine Arranger Photo

Clay Hine

Jim Clancy arranger photo

Jim Clancy

Gary Lewis Arranger Photo

Gary Lewis

Click pictures to visit their websites
Sheet Music
Aaron Dale -

Adam Reimnitz - 

Adam Scott -

Bob Rund -

Brent Graham -

Brian Beck -

Brian Mastrull -

Dan Wessler -

David Harrington -

David Wright -

Deke Sharon -

Derric Johnson -

Gene Cokeroft -

Greg Volk -

Jay Giallombardo -

Jim Arns -
Joe Johnson -

Joe Liles -

Joey Minshall -

John Brockman -

John Hohl -

Joni Bescos -

June Dale -
Kevin Keller -

Kirk Young -

Liz Garnett -

Mark Hale -

Marshall Webb -

Mel Knight -

Melody Hine -

Michael Gellert -

Nancy Bergman -

Patrick McAlexander -

Phil Ordaz -

Rasmus Krigstrom -

Renee Craig -

Rick Spencer -

Rob Hopkins -

Steve Delehanty -

Steve Jamison -

Steve Tramack -

Theo Hicks -

Tom Gentry -

Walter Latzko -

Wayne Grimmer - (Brian Beck) represents the following arrangers:

Renee Craig
Brian Beck
Joni Bescos
David Briner
Greg Volk
You can connect using the following links below for further information for additional arrangers: /

Dave Briner
Don Gray
Deke Sharon
Ed Waesche
Kirby Shaw
Lou Perry
Pete Rupay

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